The first anniversary of Guida Accountancy
Celebrating 1 year in business
This month marks the first anniversary of Guida Accountancy. 1st August 2019 was the date me and Ida made that leap into business ownership.
I can’t say it wasn’t scary. Of course, I worried about the financial impact (I’m an Accountant after all!) but it was the right decision for me at that time.
It’s not been all smooth going, I never expected it would be. There have been successes and failures, low times and good times.
It has been a year that has taught me so much, not just about business, but life too. A year of self-discovery you might say.
As we reach the first anniversary of Guida Accountancy, I look back at where I was a year or so ago and the reasons why I started my own business.
My working life
I began my accountancy career in 1995, having previously worked in Banking. Accountancy suited me. I have always had a fascination with numbers, what they mean and how they are interpreted. Trying not to sound too nerdy here but Maths, Economics and particularly Statistics were subjects I enjoyed.
I stayed at the same firm until 2016, gaining all my qualifications and working my way up to partner. I did not enjoy life as a partner though, mental health had become a bigger issue for me, and I decided to leave for a new challenge.
At that time, I seriously considered starting up on my own. Lack of confidence and financial concerns stopped me. The experience as a partner left me questioning whether I was cut out to run a business but in many ways I wish I had ‘gone for it’ then.
So, I found another job within an accountancy practice and continued working.
All change
Move forward to 2018 and things start to go wrong. Depression and Anxiety have affected me for a number of years. I had ways of dealing with it and hiding it. To my shame, I saw my mental health issues as a weakness, something I was ashamed of and would not admit to, rather than the illness that it actually is. But come late 2018 it had started to get a grip on me.
By mid-2019 I was out of work, wondering what to do next. I had lost faith in the Accountancy profession. I didn’t like the selfishness, the lack of morality in some people and how clients were seen as a money-making opportunity rather than as real people.
My personal values (for those that have read my profile) had been forsaken and I was in a bad place.
The thoughts of starting my own business rose again and I decided it was the best option for me. I could run a business my way, treat clients how I think they should be treated, and just as importantly, I would no longer have to do work that I fundamentally disagree with.
It was time to take back control.
Ida - A Vital Support
In May 2019 Ida came into our lives. As a former trainee Guide Dog she is extremely calm, kind and comforting. I have no doubt we were chosen to adopt her, not only because we would provide the right home for her, but also because of how she could use her training to help me.
I needed her as much as she needed us. Her companionship, her love and her calming influence have been crucial in helping me through some dark times in my life. She continues to be a vital part of my support system, both in business and in life.
She is always with me, sleeping next to my desk in my office (I will have to start deducting her pay for that!) and making sure I get my fresh air and exercise everyday. Clients love her and she loves meeting people – especially if they bring her a toy or treat.
So, I made her my Head of Mindfulness and Wellbeing even though, realistically, she is the boss!
My thanks go to....
I have needed support, as we all do. No business owner can be successful without the right people (and animals) behind them.
So, my thanks go to my partner Carol, who has stood by me through the low times and taught me great shortcuts in Word and Excel!
To my family and friends for their support and understanding.
To my business contacts for their help, experience and knowledge that I have put to good use.
And to my clients for placing their trust in me and for making my work enjoyable and challenging in a good way! .
We look forward to next year!!